The Many Faces of Artemis

Wednesday 6 September - Friday 8 September, 2023

Saskia Peels-Matthey & Michael Kerschner


The aim of this conference is to explore the diversity of conceptions, cults and sanctuaries of the Greek goddess Artemis. In an interdisciplinary and holistic approach, we seek to further topical discussions on Greek polytheism, and we take up recent renewed scholarly interest in studying individual gods. In modern scholarship, various attempts have been made to find an overarching ‘mode of action’ for Artemis, stressing her connections with untamed nature, with transitions and the dangerous. These are sensible suggestions, yet they cannot capture all manifestations of Artemis. 


This conference brings together philologists, epigraphists, archaeologists, linguists and religious scholars to examine Artemis from different angles, by investigating local, regional, and panhellenic aspects of the goddess diachronically. Various epithets show that Artemis is incorporated in different (local) traditions and is associated with various goddesses; and the votive spectrum and sacrificial rituals point in the same direction.


We aim to understand the variety of manifestations of the goddess, and develop an understanding of the coherence of her perceived personality. While the majority of written evidence comes from only a few places, first and foremost Athens, the archaeological evidence opens up many parts of the Greek world. Written and iconographical sources provide insights into the ancient ideas of the goddess and her identities. Votive offerings tell us about the concerns that the worshippers associated with Artemis' spheres of competence, animal remains about the sacrificial practices. By taking this multi-angle approach, we hope to understand Artemis better as a case study of the complexities of ancient Greek polytheism.



Wednesday 6th September 2023 (Day 1)



Registration, tea

16:45-17:00 | Saskia Peels-Matthey (Groningen) – Michael Kerschner (Vienna / Leiden)

Welcome and introduction

Panel 1: Artemis in Attica

17:00-17:40 | Alexander Heinemann (Tübingen)

Artemis in Attic iconography

17:40-18:20 | Constanze Graml (München)

Girls, Boys and the City: A diachronic overview of the imagination of Artemis in Athens and Attica




18:35-19:15 | Floris van den Eijnde and Artemisa Loesberg (Utrecht)

Artemis and the Peisistratids: Fact and Fiction



Dinner for speakers

Thursday 7th September 2023 (Day 2)


Panel 2: Artemis on the Aegean Islands



09:15-09:55 | Guillaume Biard (Aix-en-Provence)

The cult of Artemis in Thasos

9:55-10:35 | Alexander Mazarakis Ainian (Volos)

Sanctuary of Artemis at Kythnos



11:00-11:40 | Karl Reber (Lausanne)

Artemis Amarysia: goddess with different faces

11:40-12:20 | Tamara Saggini – Samuel Verdan (Lausanne)

Gorgo, Artemis and dedicants: faces to faces in the Artemision of Amarynthos


Lunch break

Panel 3: Artemis on the Peloponnese

14:00–14:40 | Oliver Pilz (Athens)

Artemis in Elis and Triphylia

14:40–15:20 | Maria Spathi

The different(?) faces of the Messenian Artemis



Panel 4


Roundtable discussion of RMA & PhD students

16.30- onward


Friday 8th September 2023 (Day 3)




Panel 5: Naming deities

09:30-10:10 | Corinne Bonnet - Sylvain Lebreton (Toulouse)

The many names of Artemis and her situation in divine onomastic networks

10:10-10:50 | Athanasia Zografou (Ioannina)

Artemis Hecate: The name, the epithet and the goddess



11:20–12:00 | Theodora Jim (Nottingham)

The many faces of Artemis Soteira


Lunch break

Panel 6: Artemis in Asia Minor

13:30-14:10 | Nicholas Cahill (Madison)

The sanctuary of Artemis in Sardis

14:10-14:50 | Michael Kerschner (Vienna / Leiden)

Artemis of Ephesos and her worshippers: their concerns, their ways of worship and their ideas of the goddess



15:20-16:00 | Christoph Baier (Athens) - Lilli Zabrana (Vienna)

Artemis sanctuaries as places of asylum

Break, walk to Prinsenhof (ca. 10-15 min walk)

Panel 7: Keynote and Closing (public)

Location: Prinsenhof, Martinikerkhof 23


Coffee and cakes

17:15-18:15 | Public keynote: Ivana Petrovic

Artemis in her hymns


Wrapping up of the conference: conclusions, good-bye, and impulses for future research


Festive reception and walking dinner

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